About Me

  So I sometimes have a lot to say, and Twitter just doesn't give me enough room.  I love to travel, watch television, read, go out to dinner (my job requires that I stay on top of food-related things, but I swear to God I am not a foodie).  I lived in Philadelphia until I was 33, moved to DC and in with my boyfriend, and got married a year later.  This is our wedding picture:
  I am married to a sweet, misunderstood and wonderful Dead Head.  Our invitations said "Tie or Tie-Dye optional." Get it?
  Six months later, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.  I got what they call "The Full Menu": Chemo, Mastectomy, Radiation.  I vascillated between shopping and eating my feelings.  I also bought four wigs, and named them all.

This was "Trixie," my favorite wig.

 Now I'm almost finished with my treatments.  Still married, still working, still shopping, still watching television.

This is me in October 2011, still trying to grow my hair out, with my amazing Dad.
  I wish there will be a stronger theme to this, but I can already tell you this will run the gamut from Food, Bloomingdale's, if someone pisses me off on the bus, politics, whether it's too soon to call myself a "Breast Cancer Survivor," baseball, movies.  So check in when you can.
Be Healthy and Happy,

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