Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Bad Hair Day"

  This afternoon I marched into the Chevy Chase Sephora, did my usual spin past the perfumes to "try" something delicious, and headed over to the hair products. A saleswoman asked if I needed any help, and I explained that I needed a volumizing product, as the medication my oncologist has me on seems to be making me slowly lose my hair.  My voice cracked when I said that last part. In 1995 and in 2010, I have gone through the gut-wrenching experience of losing my hair from chemotherapy, and cannot believe this is happening again, ever-so-slowly but surely. The catch is that as long as the medication seems to be working and shrinking the tumors in my liver, that I will stay on this. I left his office with tears in my eyes, as I headed over to Sephora.  The Sephora rep handled my needs in a polite and kind way. She told me that volumizers dry out hair, and what she recommended was a leave-in. I went with Phyto #7, and am hoping this will make things a little easier over the next few months, giving my hair the much-needed moisture and rejuvenation it needs.

  I know what you are thinking, that things could be a lot worse. I am married to a good man who loves me very much. I am still able to work in a profession I love, and I was able to go to Las Vegas last weekend--some of Dr. Smith's patients are unable to work anymore, let alone see Britney Spears "Piece of Me."

  Obviously, Las Vegas was fun. I remembered how much I love Vegas, and appreciate it more in my late thirties than I did in my mid-twenties.  My friend Annie and I enjoyed stellar accommodations at the Luxor, 
 And this was the view from our room:
  We continued our world tour of Madame Tussaud's Wax Museums,
  Had fabulous dinners at Trevi and Shibuya, and were lucky enough to get Britney Spears tickets.  "Piece of Me" was a happy and joyous night. The set list was hit after hit. Brit's dancers admittedly did most of the work, and her choreography was a tad uninspired. But she looked great, and the show was fabulous.
  I also ventured out on my own a little to explore some iconic Las Vegas dining institutions. While Annie was in Mass on Sunday morning, I took the Deuce to the Peppermill Fireside Restaurant. It was one of the best breakfasts of my life-The Munch's Breakfast and one of the most beautiful and freshly made Bloody Marys I have ever tasted.
  On Monday, I got to personally thank the Luxor's Chef Concierge, Toby. Then I caught up with my friend Mitch, and we enjoyed a fantastic lunch at the legendary Lotus of Siam. 
  It was definitely worth the trip, and as you can see we were honored to got a picture with Chef Saipin Chutima!

  It was a fabulous weekend, and I look forward to my next visit to Vegas, hopefully for The Big Guy's birthday.
  Tomorrow I get my tumor marker blood test results, so hair loss aside, am hopeful that things are continuing to work with my treatment.  I am exhausted from my injections today, but look forward to returning to work, and know that tomorrow is a new day.
Happy Spring,

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