Monday, November 7, 2011


  When you work in the hospitality industry, you usually have "mid-week weekends."  For those of you civilians, the expression "Today is my Monday," or "Today is my Friday" can resonate on any given day, depending on business needs and creative scheduling around colleagues' needs.  I've pretty much had the same career since February of '99, so I welcome the Tuesday-Wednesday Weekend. 
  This particular Monday Morning, I was actually off for the weekend, so had the shock to my system with all the dreary doldrums that accompany it.
  Work was fine.  More than fine, really.  Then I waited for twenty minutes at my bus stop--located on McPherson Square.  This is currently the home of "Occupy DC" and my bus stop is five feet away from the newly installed Porto-Potties for the protesters.  Not so fine.

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