Monday, November 28, 2011

Now what?

  After one last surgery, they sent me home with my permanent implants, and a card that names the amount of silicone I possess in each boob.  I went home to read, nap, watch movies and wait to get cleared to return to work. 
  Today my fabulous reconstructive surgeon took the rest of my stitches out, said I could go back to work tomorrow, and that she doesn't need to see me again for two months.  Big Ball of emotions that I am, that's when the tears started.  A cross between a choke up and a mini-sob. 
  Then she told me I can stop wearing my surgical bras, can wear normal bras again, and start shopping for underwires in four weeks.  Although I thought I could order my size, and finally get a nice 36 or 38 C, these implants are kind of like memory foam and you can only request an approximate size.  This requires a measuring session.  I have decided to go straight to Sylene of Chevy Chase for a professional measuring and at least two super-sexy bras.
  Then there is the nipple question: to tattoo or not tattoo?  I don't need to decide until this winter, but am already leaning towards a no-nip future.  It's not like I am a topless dancer.  I have my BA.  It seems silly.  I'd rather save my pennies and get a new tattoo on my left hip, as well as clean up the moon and stars on my right hip.
  At the moment, I'm drinking Champagne with my big funny husband and celebrating a new chapter.  Oh and today is the first day I actually think I can consider myself a "Breast Cancer Survivor."  Big Stuff.  Not as big as my old boobs, but definitely significant.  So raise a glass with me and toast good health, great friends, awesome family, and the 2012 New Boob Tour.

1 comment:

  1. Went to Jinx Tattoo on Sunday to fix my last two tattoos (i.e. redo them entirely). I went there on a friend's recommendation, and so far I'm immensely pleased with the results. Kristin will be getting her first tattoo there hopefully tomorrow. You can always count me in when it's your turn! ;) And just think: no more titty-hard-ons!
