Sunday, July 22, 2012


  About a month after my last post, my dear friend Willie got very sick.  He handled his illness with humor and grace and remained the life of the party (even when he couldn't work the room, the room would come to him).  Three months later, Willie died.
  So, I have had colossal writer's block, and been busy working, throwing myself a big old pity party, and swimming in grief.  Maybe it was a little survivor's guilt that stopped me from writing, but mostly I just really miss my friend. 

  After my husband, father and best pal of fifteen years, Willie was the fourth person I called when I found out I had breast cancer.  We  laughed, drank, traveled, disagreed, celebrated and talked A LOT.  We spoke so much on the phone that Willie was personally responsible for killing at least one cell phone battery of mine.  He was the Chef Concierge of the Langham Hotel in Boston, so we shared the same profession and often similar hours.  We talked before our Concierge Desks got busy in the mornings so much that I still find myself reaching for the phone to call him.

  Two nights ago, a friend made me realize that Willie would not be happy with this Pity Party, that he would say "Alright, missy--no tears! Keep your chin up, keep going."

  So I am writing again.  I promise my next post will come sooner, and be a little more upbeat. 

  As Willie's outgoing cell phone message used to say, "Make it a great day."  Cheers to you, my dear friend.

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