Thursday, July 26, 2012


Here is a little tidbit of information about post-mastectomy breast reconstruction that you probably didn't know: when they give you new boobs, they don't automatically come with nipples.

I didn't really take this into consideration when we were preparing for my double mastectomy in August 2010.  I was just completely freaked out at my scarred and slightly uneven sample pictures I was shown at my reconstructive surgeon's. Let me just tell you that the post-radiation pics were even worse--most definitely a recipe for a valium, cocktail, "Dirty Dancing" screening and time on my couch in the fetal position.

So I went about the business of trying to finish my "full menu" as they call it--I dove head first into radiation treatments.  This was a five day a week operation, and my personalized playlist (Madonna, The 5th Dimension and the Great Justin Timberlake) was definitely part of my recovery.

As a result of a crazy infection that hospitalized me during Thanksgiving (let me just tell you that nothing makes you feel sicker than being in the hospital over a national holiday), my one reconstructive surgery turned into three, and my last surgery didn't happen until December 2011.

So now I am finally ready to plan my nipples.  I used to really love the old ones, but everything short of my wedding pictures and a few hot nights in Jamaica make the boobs that almost killed me a distant memory.  If you decide that what are essentially "faux nipples" are more important than no nipples at all (I have always been a glass is half-full kind of woman), You are faced with three options: 1-Skin grafting=same-day surgery, 2-Skin grafting+tattooing, and 3-just plain tattooing.  Given my health history and solemn vow to never go under anesthesia again unless it is medically necessary, I have decided to get Nipple Tattoos. 

  I was able to score an appointment in Finksburg, Maryland with the amazing Little Vinny, reknowned expert on the art of 3-D Nipple Tattoos.  Have a look at the amazing work that this very special man does:

  I don't know how exciting Finksburg, Maryland is going to be, but I really look forward to meeting the gentleman that has pretty much dedicated this stage of his life to making Breast Cancer Survivors feel good about themselves.  This is just my thing--my husband, "The Big Guy" just wants me to be happy.  I didn't have to get nipples but look forward to the day where I am not nip-free, especially at the gym.

  On August 1st at 3:00pm, please keep a good thought, say a prayer or send good vibes my way.  And any restaurant recommendations in Finksburg are greatly appreciated.

Be Healthy and Happy,


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