Monday, February 3, 2014

How am I doing?

Since it has been almost four weeks since my surgery, and two weeks since I've returned to work, I've figured it is time for an update.

I am taking the Letrozole every day, and have had injections twice now, with the goal of shrinking the tumors.  I had to work after my injections last Friday, and found myself to be worn out so am going to try and take off on injection days.  I go back to my oncologist on February 12th for my one month check-up. We are hopeful that my tumor marker numbers will start to drop and I can breathe a little easier.  

Returning to a job I love has done me a lot of good. It takes my mind off my personal challenges and helps me to focus.  Getting to take care of my guests, and being welcomed by some amazing colleagues have been personally really rewarding for me. Thankfully, my first day back--January 20th was quiet at the hotel, because at the end of the day I was still exhausted.  I was in my Eagles pajama pants by 4:30 that day!

I am sleeping better now than I had been a week ago. I try to not let my head hit the pillow until I am really ready to turn things off, and stop worrying about my health (at least for the evening).  

I am making plans for travels in 2014, but made a tough decision. I won't be attending the Les Clefs d'Or Pan American Congress in Los Cabos later on this Spring. I will definitely miss representing my hotel and seeing my friends and colleagues from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. However, after traveling the world while attending 11 Congresses, I know the pace of these meetings is too much for me right now.  My wonderful General Manager was totally understanding - he said "It's better to miss one then miss all of them."

Today I had my check-up with my surgeon. She said I am healing well, and sent me on my way.

Things that made me happy today:
--We had a little break in our awful
Winter Weather yesterday, and saw temps in the 50's.
--The Big Guy and I had a fantastic dinner last night at Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab.
  We enjoyed delicious dishes like this while watching the first half of the Super Bowl. 
--My cousin Tom sent me pictures from my 3rd Birthday Party:
  It's hard to believe we were all so young once.
  And cute!
--Today I realized that pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in 10 days. Bring on, Baseball Season!

Stay Warm,

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