Friday, January 17, 2014

A shot in the @$$, fighting cancer one cheek at a time

  Today I had another appointment with my medical oncologist, Dr. Smith.  He gave me my prescription for Letrozole and said start taking it right away.  Dr. Smith also said he wanted to try to shrink the tumors by giving me shots of Faslodex, one shot in each buttock, at first every two weeks, then monthly. 
  I asked when we could start the shots, and he said how about today. I said "Let's do it. If I have to shell out my copay, let's get the most out of these appointments!"
 Minutes later, a nurse came in to give me the shots. She told me to lean on the opposite leg when she gave each injection, to give more "cushion for the pushin'."  I said not to worry on the cushion front. She said that the "skinny girls" don't have anything to prevent it from hurting.  Silver Lining, anyone?
  Well it did hurt a little. But, I can get used to this.  Also, I felt like I was taking a positive step.
  I made an appointment for Friday January 31st for another set of shots. I took my Letrozole to get filled.  Things that made me happy today:
--The Letrozole cost me $8 (I was afraid of some exorbitant amount).
--Two good friends from work came to visit me this afternoon.
  As you can see, I had a lovely time with them.
--My cousin Jen called me today, and I don't get to talk to her all the time.  This is us on my Wedding Day:
--Friends of mine went to Philadelphia last weekend, and brought me my favorite cheese from DiBruno Brothers, Prima Donna.  I am home watching television and enjoying one of my favorite foods.
Happy Weekend, Everybody!

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